Common Data Space for Biodiversity

Effortlessly manage your biological data. PlutoF provides online services to manage your biological data fully integrated and ready for analyses or publishing.

Workflow chart

Services & workflow

Manage full data lifecycle

Data management plan
Describes how your data are collected, managed and stored during the research project.
Create datasets
Datasets are created in PlutoF either by importing data from CSV files, manually entering data on the online workbench or by quick and easy data entry via mobile application PlutoF GO.
Curate and share datasets
You can collaborate with other scientists, students and citizen scientists by sharing individual records or whole projects and datasets with any other user or workgroup.
Machine readable data
PlutoF provides public web services for retrieving the data in machine readable format.
Run analyses
PlutoF features an analysis module by providing analytical services for molecular sequence identification and species discovery from eDNA samples.
DOI publishing
There are several ways to publish your datasets. You can request a DOI (Digital Object Identifier) for your dataset or publish the data in the global data portal GBIF.
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Manage different data types

Specimens, including living organisms stored in natural history collections, biobanks or monitored in nature
Traits and their lists are necessary elements to describe specimens, samples, taxa, their interactions and environment.
Data about water, soil, air, tissue etc. samples lodged in the collections can also be managed in PlutoF. Samples often serve as a source of eDNA.
DNA sequences
PlutoF provides digital laboratory services to manage DNA extraction, PCR and sequencing analyses data of specimens and samples.
Manage your eDNA data in their full lifecycle and publish sequences as a taxon occurrences in GBIF.
Observations are used in Citizen Science, monitoring, etc. projects where taxa can be identified visually or via sound.
Taxa and classifications
Taxa can be managed as a datasets of individuals, for example DNA sequence based Species Hypotheses. Taxa are always linked to the PlutoF classification which is mapped against other taxonomic backbones.
Taxon occurrences and their traits can be traced and databased from the published literature.
Images, videos and sounds can be linked to other data types as well as to persons and organizations.

Who is it for?


Can rely on PlutoF for storing and managing research data for their projects and scientific articles. Researchers can organize sampling events, mark sampling areas beforehand, prepare data workflows, control data access, and speed up the publishing process.



Can rely on PlutoF for storing and managing research data for their projects and scientific articles. Researchers can organize sampling events, mark sampling areas beforehand, prepare data workflows, control data access, and speed up the publishing process.



Publish to external services

For projects and organizations

Get in touch for a demo call

We'll show you how PlutoF can improve data management in your project or organisation.

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